
in Melbourne

Find Invisalign in Melbourne at your Essendon dentist

Invisalign has transformed orthodontic treatment with a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth. Forget traditional metal braces and hiding your smile for years. With Invisalign, you can move your teeth into the desired position with a series of clear aligners that are comfortable, discreet and removable.

We have been offering Invisalign solutions to the residents of Essendon and the surrounding suburbs for years and our reputation as an Invisalign provider has spread throughout Melbourne.

Straight teeth without metal braces – it’s the answer you’ve been looking for.

Invisalign clear braces Melbourne orthodntic dentist Essendon dental clinic young woman smiling

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign treatment consists of nearly invisible, removable aligners that you change every 2 weeks for the next set of aligners. Each aligner is individually manufactured for your teeth, and your teeth only. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position.

Virtual transformation: before & after Invisalign?

A virtual treatment plan is generated by Align Technology’s unique ClinCheck software which shows the series of movements your teeth will go through over the course of the treatment. This allows you to see upfront what your teeth are expected to look like at the end of the treatment. From the results of the ClinCheck software, your custom-made, clear aligners are produced especially for you.

If you’re ready for a smile that transforms your appearance, Invisalign is your answer. Although there are many choices out there, no other treatment works as comfortably as Invisalign.

Beautiful smile thanks to Invisalign clear braces

Is Invisalign treatment suitable for me?

Our patients are loving the option to straighten their teeth without metal brackets. However, Invisalign is not suitable in all cases so you will need to organise a consultation to assess your suitability. Traditional braces may be necessary to fix particular problems.

Getting started with Invisalign

During the initial consultation, we will discuss the issues you have with your teeth and explore what kind of results you’re hoping to achieve. If Invisalign is suitable for you, a treatment plan will be mapped out with your goals in mind. We will take impressions of your teeth and will send these to the Invisalign laboratories for processing.

Young woman smiling with her Invisalign clear braces from Essendon dentist Melbourne

How long does Invisalign take?

Invisalign aligners should be worn day and night, except when eating, brushing or flossing teeth in order to complete your treatment in the timeline determined by us.

You’ll go in for checkups every 4–6 weeks to monitor your progress and to receive your next series of aligners. During the entire treatment process, you’ll notice small movements, and your teeth will gradually move into an even and healthy smile.

A full treatment typically includes 18–36 aligners for both the upper and lower teeth, which will take approximately 9–18 months depending on your individual case.

After treatment is completed, you may wear a retainer at night to maintain the new position of your teeth.

Are there different types of Invisalign?

There are four versions of Invisalign. All use the same clear plastic aligners to straighten teeth.

This is for full orthodontic cases which take 12–24 months to correct.

This is specifically for teenagers.

This is for patients who only need minor adjustment to the front six teeth. Results can be achieved in six months, and can fix minor crowding issues.

This is suitable for fixing issues affecting the front six teeth, with results seen in as little as three months. It is for very minor alterations.

What is the cost of Invisalign?

There is a range of costs for Invisalign, and it depends on the version of Invisalign that is used. At the consultation, we will be able to guide you through your options and give you Invisalign costs.

FAQs About Invisalign

How do I clean and care for my Invisalign clear aligners?

You should rinse your clear aligner every night under running water.

Additionally, you should brush your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush every night, using a gentle liquid soap. Doing this helps to remove any food waste that may have accumulated over the day. Note: use a different toothbrush for this task (not the toothbrush you use to brush your teeth daily).

When you take your aligners out to eat food, please store them in the protective case provided for this purpose.

Does Invisalign hurt?

Patients wearing traditional metal or ceramic braces will feel some mild discomfort and pressure when the braces are adjusted. Patients with Invisalign experience the same mild discomfort each time they receive their new set of invisible braces.

However, because there are no wires or metal brackets, there is no chance of catching wires or brackets on the skin or gums, causing ulcers.

Are there payment plans available for Invisalign Treatment?

Yes of course. An initial deposit is needed, and the balance of treatment is paid over the course of the treatment.

Invisalign Case Studies

Before & After: Orthodontics with Invisalign

This Strathmore patient visited us to see what could be done about her bottom row of teeth. While reasonably straight, some teeth were misaligned, and she wanted a straight row of teeth. 

Invisalign Firstbite essendon
Invisalign Firstbite essendon

The patient’s teeth weren’t properly aligned, and he wanted them to be straight. 3D scans showed his upper jaw had a canine tooth which hadn’t erupted. We found the canine lodged underneath the gums, impacting nearby teeth and causing movement problems and potential pain. 


Under local anaesthetic, we surgically removed the gum tissue surrounding the impacted canine tooth, so it was exposed. The next step was to apply traditional metal braces bracket to all the teeth, including the exposed canine, which moved into the same alignment as the existing teeth.

Treatment Solution

3 years

Before & After: Invisalign

This Essendon patient visited us to see what could be done about her bottom row of teeth.


Info to come.


Info to come.

Treatment Solution

Info to come.

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