Think Oral Cancer Can’t Happen To You? Think Again.

You may already have taken advantage of an oral cancer exam with our VELscope system, which quickly and painlessly screens for oral cancer in minutes. The following story from a patient of ours will make you glad you did.

Our patient’s uncle had visited his dentist several times complaining of discomfort beneath his denture. After several visits and adjustments to his denture, he mentioned it to his friend, who is also a dentist. His concerned friend booked him in for an immediate consultation. A biopsy revealed  a cancer, which luckily had not spread further, but resulted in the removal of a third of his lower jaw. He had never touched a cigarette in his life, so don’t think it can’t happen to you.

While smoking and drinking increase your risk, even those who abstain can develop oral cancer. Early detection is the key to successful treatment, so make a yearly screen for oral cancer part of your regular check-up. This preventative service will be offered to you at your next hygiene visit and will cost $40.

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