Invisible Braces

Case Study – clearly a winning smile

Everyone loves a beautiful smile but it sometimes seems like too much effort to wear traditional braces to correct a simple crooked tooth or a few gaps, so we often persist with what we have.

There is now an alternative to help you achieve the smile you always wanted, without wearing metal for 2-3 years. We are pleased to offer our patients a new invisible orthodontic system.

The Invisalign or Tru-Line Invisible Orthodontic Systems are on offer and are suitable for patients looking for simple alignment and correction to perfect their smile.Invisible-Braces-invisalign-tru-line

The ease of use of these systems makes them the ideal choice for suitable patients as there are no metal wires, brackets, or bands to irritate your mouth. Most people won’t notice they’re in treatment, and best of all it’s very affordable.

This new system uses a convenient series of transparent plastic aligners to gently move your teeth to their ideal position. For better and faster results you also have the added option of using our custom made auxiliary appliances.

This system only works on simple cases with minimal crowding and doesn’t correct jaw problems.

There is no doubt that conventional braces are still the best and most effective method for straightening teeth but that can seem excessive and unattractive for those who don’t want the braces look and only require a simple movement of teeth.

We have no hesitation in recommending these products to suitable patients, we are more than happy to discuss which option might be best suited to you. So, if you have a crooked tooth or are unhappy about a gappy smile, then talk to Agim or Dev at FirstBite Dental in Essendon about whether this product is suitable for you.

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