Creating an oral health plan

The most important thing that you should have with your teeth is a plan.

This patient’s plan for many years, with another dentist, was to allow the teeth to deteriorate and then make dentures. When they came to our practice, we gave them many options.

The first part of the plan chosen was to get the remaining teeth back to health again. This took two years of dental and hygiene visits to achieve. Then we could do anything to replace missing teeth. This patient chose bridges, and crowns to achieve their perfect smile.

We pride ourselves at FirstBite Dental to be up to date with the latest advances in all aspects dentistry eg. implants, crown and bridge, orthodontics, whitening, periodontics (gum disease), root canals.

With this knowledge, we are able to offer you many options and then it is up to you to decide what you would like to do. Some people keep it simple while others want the most complicated and advanced.

But as always the most important thing is to maintain the teeth you have now so that in the future you can do whatever you want to create your own individual perfect smile, see us at FirstBite Dental to create a plan today.

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