You can’t always get what you want: Mick Jagger’s bedazzled teeth

Mick Jagger Emerald Tooth Ruby Tooth Diamond Tooth

In the 1970s, Rolling Stones frontman, Mick Jagger, added a green sparkle to his radiant smile by putting a small emerald gemstone in one of his front incisors. It seemed a good choice for the effervescent frontman until he started receiving constant comments that he had spinach stuck in his tooth. How annoying. 

The emerald was replaced with his birthstone, a small ruby, until he became tired of people telling him that he had a spot of blood on his teeth. 

Jagger finally chose a small diamond to add that extra colourless bling. 

With all the gem-coloured choices in the world, Mick Jagger, well known for his big lips and expressive gestures, had to settle with just a simple sparkle. 

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