Dental Tourism

in Essendon

Dental News Essendon dentist Melbourne

Infection Control

At FirstBite, we invite you to have a tour of our infection control procedures and sterilising area. We are proud of our state of the art infection control procedures. We take our ... Read more

Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Dental Tourism, FirstBite Dental News

Dental News Essendon dentist Melbourne

Dental Tourism & reasons not to get Dental Implants in Thailand

Dental tourism is a growth industry. We all hear the stories of people going overseas to have a holiday and do some dental work. Perhaps it’s dental implants in Thailand or even ... Read more

Cosmetic Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry Thailand, Dental Implants, Dental Implants Thailand, Dental Tourism, FirstBite Dental News, Orthodontics, Teeth Whitening